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Good game. Creepy with the stalking... WOW. Thank you for playing, I look forward to new projects from you

This Was really Good. Awesome Work

I Liked The Way I Had To Gather Money At The End In Order To Escape!

That was great! Super creepy! Very well made! 👍🏾👍🏾

Awesome concept! anxiety inducing!

Love This game man, its like there so many people but you still alone. Good concept 👍👍

(18) ЗА МНОЙ ГОНИТСЯ ИВАН ЗОЛО ►Crowded . Followed - YouTube

Игра понравилась есть плюсы как и минусы Начнем с плюсов: в этой игре есть иван золо ну и всё Минусы: Игра ни как не настраивается то есть она квадратная(разрешение экрана)

 I liked the game there are pros as well as cons Let's start with the pros: this game has Ivan Zolo, well, that's it Cons: The game is not configurable in any way, that is, it is square (screen resolution)


This game is portrayed simplistically but the gameplay's concept is really neat and I'd be down to see this expanded upon further. Managing limited resources, spatial awareness and a never-ending threat can be a lot more impactful over most games relying on scripted sequences and obnoxious jumpscares. The game-over screen is a bit cheesy but it has charm and since the game isn't overwhelmed with that type of scare, I give it a pass.


Hey man thank you very much for playing and for the thoughtful feedback, I agree I am also not happy with the jumpscare/death but needed something simple for now, I will work on this. I'm glad you'd like to play more and I hope I can make a full game out of this concept. Would love to hear your feedback on future builds, all the best! 

Game was too scary for me to finish!

Super creepy can't wait to see where this game goes!
Deleted post

This is smart.


this cool!

YO FERRYLIQUID! Maaan your first attempt? This was a FIRE first attempt my guy, I had a blast with the game, very interesting concept, sick scares, and had me on my ten toesies for sure >:D keep it up!


I had fun with this game a hard stressful quick game its just not in the slight bit scary.  Its is stressful but stress is not horror, the fact that you are surrounded by people 24/7 really makes it not as scary however it is a good game and I can't wait for more story for it it's just not scary at all.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! Is there anything that you would suggest to make this type of game more scary in your opinion?

(1 edit)

The design of the creature is great and the fact it turns into other people is also cool just if he gets close behind you music starts playing so I found my self not looking around for him seeing as I knew an audio que was going to play getting rid of that would be a good way.  With that I think the game would be much more suspenseful making it somewhat scarier but like I said with how many other people there are you have a sense of security even though a false one it is still there so making odd and unexpected occurrences happen  like the people disappearing for a short time or the scenery and music changing to something horrific and intense (also for a short time) could make it a bit more scary.  That's my opinion though this is your game and a good one at that.

The pursuit was very intense, almost died (German Gameplay)

I almost died as they keep blocking the exit hahaha very nice ! keep it up.


I love this game! I can't wait to hear more about it! Thank you!

Game was Really short but it was fun editing nonetheless . Enjoy the video!


This felt like I was playing a creepypasta. So good!

Really Good Game, wish there was more action but the game is good and has the stalking vibe. Made a video timeline 0:0

gud game

I enjoyed this game! Its simple, spooky, and fun to play!


I wish I played it earlier, this game has a unique style. I absolutely love the graphics and the bizarre encounter with "death" really sets a wonderful Halloween-themed game into perspective.

I look forward to more work from you!

Enjoyed this very much! 


Amazing Game! No lie in the beginning when the jump scare popped off that legit scared me to death. Nice game can't wait to see more content! 
(2 edits) (+2)

What an absolute BLAST! This game had me on edge the entire time. Please make a 2nd one with a much bigger map and a less obvious threat!

 I feel like if you lowered the enemy to be only a few pixels higher than the Non-Hostile NPCs, it would really add to it. 

Tysm for the feedback man and also I'm way ahead of you 👀 hope you'll enjoy the full game :)



Thanks for playing! :)

I loved the concept of the gamem it was really fun to play

Really suspenseful game where you really feel like you are being followed!

Nice game

That was pretty butt clenching. Nice work! :)

Really cool game! The atmosphere was really good and I love the art style!

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